By: Dan Campbell, Fundraising Auctioneer 

One of the things we often are asked about as Fundraising Consultants is to provide fresh ideas for your live auction. There are many tried and true destinations that charities will offer each year for their guests to bid on; Napa Wine Tasting, Kentucky Bourbon Tour, Las Vegas, Mexico, etc.

Eventually, your regular supporters may wane on these options, and be looking for other destinations to consider. Of course, Covid is a factor these days, and limits a lot of global options for the time being, so where can we look for exciting and refreshing options?

Look no further than Belize as a consideration for your next event! Since most of our readers reside in the Midwest, I can tell you flights are inexpensive to Belize $300-$400 round-trip, with some being direct flights, such as from Chicago. A four-hour flight is a great way to get away from it all and enjoy some of the bluest water you have ever seen. One of the great wonders of the world, the Great Blue Hole, is just off the coast of Belize (see photo), where enthusiasts can tell you it is the best scuba diving experience in the world! Belize is renowned for deep sea fishing as well.

We have many partners who have travel experiences in Belize, including private residences, and experience driven offers that include glamping, fishing, jungle tours, or just hanging out on a private beach to unwind! This month, we want to introduce you to our exclusive partner Travel Better for Charity, which offers only Belize destination experiences. Raising Paddles has partnered with them to provide affordable and unique experiences for couples, families, or groups.

Check out some experiences in Belize here: 

As you navigate this site, you will notice some amazing videos for each experience. You may be tempted by a full week on a private island all to your own, with all food and beverage included. You may decide that exploring the jungle or spending time on the water is more appealing, and these destinations will give you as much or as little as you are looking for!

Belize is one of my personal favorites, with a culture that is friendly and known for exceptional service. These packages are affordable as well, which means your gala guests will see value in bidding on these packages. 

Are you ready for a vacation yet? If so, you can only imagine your supporters are as well. Giving them a unique experience will bring more support dollars to your cause, simply by tapping into your supporter’s travel budgets in addition to their giving budgets. 

Please reach out for pricing information on any of these packages!