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Monthly Archives: April 2022


To Theme or Not to Theme…That is the Question

By: Shannon Eason, Fundraising Auctioneer While on a call this week, the planning committee started dialogue about a theme. "What is our theme?" and  "Should we have a theme?" Those are great questions, so I googled it...and came up with some great info I wanted to share. Having a theme can benefit an event in many [...]

By |2023-02-14T17:44:52-06:00April 1st, 2022|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Consulting, Donor Development, Fundraising|Comments Off on To Theme or Not to Theme…That is the Question

Sponsorship and Fundraising—Differentiating the Two

By: Scott Jones, Fundraising Auctioneer, CFRE Whether a seasoned professional or someone new to the nonprofit world, can you clearly identify the difference between sponsorship dollars and monetary donations?  Are businesses and donors confused or conflicted when asked to support your event?  Are you approaching supporters with the right mindset and are you trying [...]

By |2023-02-14T17:44:52-06:00April 1st, 2022|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Consulting, Donor Development, Fundraising|Comments Off on Sponsorship and Fundraising—Differentiating the Two
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