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Monthly Archives: June 2024

You’re having a keynote WHAT?

By: Shannon Eason, Fundraising Auctioneer "Ok, our goal is to keep our program mission focused, the timeline tight, a fabulous guest experience, and break records in our fundraising!" said everyone in the nonprofit world holding a gala. But then, there's a slight mention of a "KEYNOTE SPEAKER". "Wait, did you just say you're having [...]

By |2024-08-30T12:12:04-05:00June 27th, 2024|Event Planning, Fundraising, The Program|Comments Off on You’re having a keynote WHAT?

Correctly Utilizing Online Platforms to Increase Your Fundraising

By: Erin Williams, Fundraising Auctioneer Websites, social media, email, and mobile fundraising are interconnected components in the digital fundraising landscape. While each channel plays a unique role, they should operate with one mission and message.  Websites: Central Hub: A website often serves as the central hub for an organization's online presence. It provides detailed [...]

By |2024-08-30T12:10:40-05:00June 27th, 2024|Bidders, Event Planning, Fundraising, Hybrid Events, Virtual Events|Comments Off on Correctly Utilizing Online Platforms to Increase Your Fundraising

Warming Up Your Audience for the Fundraising Program

By: Dan Campbell One of the challenges of a live auction at a fundraising event is to get everyone’s attention so we can focus on fundraising. You have people socializing, moving about the room for restrooms, taking photos, and hitting the bar, so that traffic itself is a distraction. Your crowd will likely be [...]

By |2024-08-30T12:09:15-05:00June 5th, 2024|Auctioneers, Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Bidders, Fundraising, Live Auction|Comments Off on Warming Up Your Audience for the Fundraising Program

Have You Considered Doing an Event Evaluation?

By: Scott Jones, MPA, CFRE, CAI, BAS Nonprofits are often charged with executing a program evaluation to assess the impact and outcomes of existing programs or initiatives.  Program evaluations are leveraged for several reasons by the fundraising professionals.  Fundraising professionals have determined that implementing program evaluations can be extremely purposeful.  Have you ever considered [...]

By |2024-08-30T12:08:28-05:00June 5th, 2024|Consulting, Donor Development, Fundraising|Comments Off on Have You Considered Doing an Event Evaluation?
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