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Monthly Archives: July 2023

Mission First Fundraising

With an abundance of options from over 40 consignment companies, choosing the best travel experience for your event may seem like a challenging task. We've observed that most companies offer similar products like Napa or Mexico leaving you wondering which one provides the best value. Enter Mission First - the solution to this need. [...]

By |2023-07-31T14:53:45-05:00July 31st, 2023|Consulting, Event Planning, Fundraising, Live Auction, Silent Auction|Comments Off on Mission First Fundraising

How to Begin the Conversation

By Scott Jones, CFRE, CAI, BAS Senior Consultant, Raising Paddles Quite often I am asked to share with board members strategies on “How to begin the conversation.” Specifically, how do I ask guests to participate in the giving the day of your biggest fundraising event? It’s simple. We must help each board member to [...]

By |2023-07-31T13:49:32-05:00July 31st, 2023|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Consulting, Donor Development, Fundraising|Comments Off on How to Begin the Conversation

The top 10 Reasons to Attend Our Workshop Coming to a City Near You!

By Shannon Eason, Senior Partner, Fundraising Auctioneer You’ve probably received an email inviting you to one of our workshops. If you’re near Kansas City, St. Louis, Detroit, Chicago, or Tulsa you’ll want to put this on your calendar. Why? Ahhhhh..let us count the ways!  1.   You’ll be treated like a guest and see how [...]

By |2023-07-26T13:44:10-05:00July 26th, 2023|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Consulting, Event Planning, Fundraising|Comments Off on The top 10 Reasons to Attend Our Workshop Coming to a City Near You!

The Fear of Bidder Fatigue….is it Real?

By Dan Campbell, Senior Partner, Fundraising Auctioneer One of the most common questions we hear from those we consult with is ‘how many fundraising elements should we include in our program?” What is too many? Which ones are best for our event? It is not surprising that we see some events that are jam packed [...]

By |2023-07-07T16:14:55-05:00July 7th, 2023|Bidders, Consulting, Donor Development, Event Planning|Comments Off on The Fear of Bidder Fatigue….is it Real?
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