I am fully aware that every member of your team (maybe you are the only member) is extremely focused on the daily operations of your organization.  Every nonprofit faces complex issues and certain challenges, even nonprofits with the most experienced, progressive, and dedicated teams working for them. Fundraising campaigns, special events or institutional stagnation can be examples of these challenges.

Regardless of the issue, there is someone to help you overcome your organizational hurdles.  A Fundraising consultant can help with the planning and restructure of strategies, cultivation of existing and new donors, revamp existing systems and deepen donor relations with meaningful stewardship programs.

Fundraising consultants are experienced professionals dedicated to assist nonprofits with their fundraising obstacles.  They bring an outside perspective and new approach by implementing best practices to assist your nonprofit accomplish successful objectives.  Whether you think you need a Fundraising Consultant or not, you should definitely consider the use of one.

No matter if your nonprofit needs help with planning their strategy or brainstorming new ways to reach donors, there is a fundraising consultant who can help your organization overcome its obstacles and reach its goals.

Here are just a few examples of what a fundraising consultant can offer your nonprofit:

  • Review current fundraising initiatives/strategies to grow revenue.
  • Board Training – to re-engage or grow their fundraising skills.
  • Assessing your organization’s readiness to engage in a Major Gift, Endowment or Capital Campaign.
  • A re-design of fundraising strategies to grow revenue.
  • Guide your campaign/event from start to finish
  • Ways to re-energize a long campaign and ensure success.
  • Review of mission, values and vision of your organization.
  • Finding the best development professionals to grow your fundraising team.
  • Experience from partnering w/ other nonprofits.

Are you struggling with inactive boards, worn-out fundraising models, weak cultivation strategies?  The fundraising consultant is the answer to re-energizing your nonprofit.  When you select one with the right expertise and previous exposure with similar nonprofits and is committed to work with you to overcome any challenge you are facing, you could reposition your organization to the reach new heights.

Considering connecting with a fundraising consultant but aren’t sure, ask yourself what challenges exist with your nonprofit, and then if a consultant could help you circumnavigate those issues.

Bottom line Fundraising Consultants either create or enhance fundraising programs. What are you waiting for? Start searching for your perfect consultant today!  Contact us at scott@raisingpaddles.com to schedule a free 1-Hr assessment meeting with one of our consultants:  Jack Alotto, MA, CFRE or Scott Jones, CFRE, BAS, CAI

