Live Auctions can be a major source of fundraising for not-for-profits...with the right Auctioneer! Call (630) 235-4566
In 2024 we’ve helped 270 organizations raise $110,995,105


“It’s All About that BASE, ’bout that BASE”

“It's all about that BASE, ‘bout that BASE….” Building something special requires a strong foundation, something that can sustain tough times and allow for continued building. Your BASE of supporters has to become strong and resilient. A small foundation can be mighty, but it is also taxing and can teeter with just a few [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:25-05:00March 8th, 2021|Consulting, Donor Development, Event Planning, Fundraising|Comments Off on “It’s All About that BASE, ’bout that BASE”

Announcement of Professional Fundraising Consultant

Join us in welcoming Jack Alotto, MA, CFRE to the Raising Paddles team! Jack is a graduate of Glassboro State College (now Rowan University) and he holds a Master’s degree from the State University of New York at Oswego, both degrees are in Psychology. Throughout his career, Jack has served in a variety of [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:26-05:00February 1st, 2021|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Consulting, Donor Development, Event Planning, Fundraising|Comments Off on Announcement of Professional Fundraising Consultant

The Show Must Go On

One of the most talked about topics of pivoting to a virtual gala is the fear of putting on a show that no one will want to watch. If you have spent time watching a few virtual galas over the past year, you know what I am talking about! From watching boring pre-recorded programs, [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:26-05:00February 1st, 2021|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Donor Development, Event Planning, Fundraising, Hybrid Events, Virtual Events|Comments Off on The Show Must Go On

Your First Big Move of 2021

I am fully aware that every member of your team (maybe you are the only member) is extremely focused on the daily operations of your organization.  Every nonprofit faces complex issues and certain challenges, even nonprofits with the most experienced, progressive, and dedicated teams working for them. Fundraising campaigns, special events or institutional stagnation [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:26-05:00January 19th, 2021|Donor Development, Fundraising, Hybrid Events, Virtual Events|Comments Off on Your First Big Move of 2021
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