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A Small Batch Recipe for Fundraising Success

By: Shannon Eason, Fundraising Auctioneer  Many organizations are planning to be going live for their fall events, but with the dreaded virus rearing its ugly head again, we know there may be donors that may decide to back out of attendance and some that won’t even fit in the room with the new restrictions. [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:08-05:00August 9th, 2021|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Consulting, Donor Development, Event Planning, Fundraising, Live Auction|Comments Off on A Small Batch Recipe for Fundraising Success

Could a Giving Circle Provide You with New Donors?

By: Jack Alotto, MA, CFRE I recently joined a group of donors who were creating a giving circle in the Coachella Valley of California. Giving circles are one of the fastest growing giving mechanisms in the United States. A giving circle is created when individual donors come together to pool their money to financially [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:23-05:00June 8th, 2021|Consulting, Donor Development, Fundraising|Comments Off on Could a Giving Circle Provide You with New Donors?

Chat Is Where It’s At

Chat Is Where It's At! By Dan Campbell, Fundraising Auctioneer  Remember all the times at your pre-Covid galas, when your audience was a bit too chatty and sometimes became a distraction to the program you worked so hard to put on? You probably just wanted to “SHUSH” them, but of course, this could backfire [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:24-05:00April 6th, 2021|Consulting, Donor Development, Fundraising, Virtual Events|Comments Off on Chat Is Where It’s At

Increase Virtual Event Participation

Best Practices to Increase Virtual Participation Events By Scott Jones, CFRE, CAI, BAS   As we continue planning for fundraising special events, there are still so many unknowns.  Many non-profits successfully executed their first virtual event and are setting their sights on the potential second.  We have witnessed the transition from the basic Zoom webinar [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:24-05:00April 6th, 2021|Consulting, Donor Development, Fundraising, Virtual Events|Comments Off on Increase Virtual Event Participation

“It’s All About that BASE, ’bout that BASE”

“It's all about that BASE, ‘bout that BASE….” Building something special requires a strong foundation, something that can sustain tough times and allow for continued building. Your BASE of supporters has to become strong and resilient. A small foundation can be mighty, but it is also taxing and can teeter with just a few [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:25-05:00March 8th, 2021|Consulting, Donor Development, Event Planning, Fundraising|Comments Off on “It’s All About that BASE, ’bout that BASE”

Announcement of Professional Fundraising Consultant

Join us in welcoming Jack Alotto, MA, CFRE to the Raising Paddles team! Jack is a graduate of Glassboro State College (now Rowan University) and he holds a Master’s degree from the State University of New York at Oswego, both degrees are in Psychology. Throughout his career, Jack has served in a variety of [...]

By |2022-08-25T14:07:26-05:00February 1st, 2021|Benefits of a Professional Auctioneer, Consulting, Donor Development, Event Planning, Fundraising|Comments Off on Announcement of Professional Fundraising Consultant
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