By: Shannon Eason, Fundraising Auctioneer

Gen Z: The New Kids on the Block!

There’s a new generation making waves, and they’re called Gen Z. They’re young, they’re online all the time, and they care about making the world a better place. Nonprofits need to pay attention to them because they’re the future of giving!

Why Gen Z is Important for Nonprofits

  • They’re huge! Gen Z is the biggest generation ever, and they’re just starting to make money.
  • They care. Gen Z really cares about things like social justice and the environment.
  • They’re loyal. If you can get Gen Z to support your nonprofit now, they’ll likely stick around for years to come.

How to Connect with Gen Z

  • Go where they are. Gen Z lives online, so use social media, cool websites, and apps to connect with them.
  • Let them help. Gen Z wants to be involved, so give them ways to volunteer and make a difference.
  • Show them the impact. Gen Z wants to see how their donations are helping, so share stories and pictures of the good work you’re doing.
  • Be real. Gen Z can spot fake stuff a mile away, so be honest and passionate about your mission.

Gen Z: The Volunteer Superstars

Gen Z loves to roll up their sleeves and get involved! Here’s how to make the most of their energy:

  • Make it easy. Gen Z is busy, so offer short-term, flexible volunteer opportunities that fit their schedules.
  • Make it fun. Volunteering should be enjoyable! Organize events, competitions, or challenges to keep things interesting.
  • Make it social. Gen Z loves to connect with others, so create opportunities for them to meet new people and build friendships while volunteering.
  • Make it matter. Show Gen Z how their volunteer work is making a real difference in the world.

The Bottom Line

Gen Z is the future of giving. If nonprofits want to be successful in the long run, they need to start connecting with this generation now. It’s an investment that will pay off big time!